Friday, May 15, 2009

Strong as Steel

Summer is fast approaching, and that means swimsuits and less bulky clothing. I love getting to the gym and getting a good workout, but when I'm trying to balance family life and work, it doesn't always happen. GE has introduced a new workout video, Strong as Steel. It uses appliances you have in your kitchen to help you get fit! To learn more watch the video below, and to purchase, visit here.

Strong As Steel from Strong As Steel on Vimeo.

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The Bluths said...

Wow, is that for real? If so it is really cheesy.

LIFE IS GOOD! said...

LOL! Ok what will someone think of next. I guess I can't do that I don't have stainless steel appliance. My concern would be your weight and opening and closing would wear out hinges.

Treat and Trick said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and joining in my blog. Will be back..